About the Council

The Community Council is the local council and as such has local civic responsibilities. The responsibilities are a matter of agreement between the local council and the county borough council and as a result different local councils often have different responsibilities to each other and these may change over time.

Councillors are elected for a five year term and during this time the council may also fill occasional vacancies by co-opting a member.

The council is supported in its work by their Executive Officer who is responsible for the councils administration and organisation and providing advice and guidance on all matters. The Executive Officer is also the Clerk to the Council and the Responsible Finance Officer and ensures that the public money they receive is properly accounted for and audited.

Whilst Councillors are voluntary and unpaid, the Executive Officers role is a part time paid post.

The main source of funding for a Community Council is through a precept which is an amount charged per head of population and paid through the council tax.

The Community Council supports local organisations that have general charitable intentions to benefit the community and can provide grants. It funds things such as floral displays in the community, Christmas lights and the provision of bus shelters, which are clearly of benefit to the community.

The Council in addition may undertake capital projects to further benefit the local communities and when such events are planned, details will appear on the notice page here and in the minutes together with such other notices as may be justified.

The Community Council is fully committed to principles of openness in all its business and welcomes enquiries and suggestions from the public.

Except in very limited circumstances, the council is of the view that it will provide information reasonably requested by members of the community as promptly as possible. It will be happy to discuss council matters with members of the public within reason and again subject to very limited exceptions such as General Data Protection Regulations. The Council may charge for the administrative costs incurred as the result of Subject Access Requests.

The Council can make available photocopying facilities at a reasonable charge.

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Grant Funding 
Frequently Asked Questions 

The Community Council is pleased to provide the following to Hirwaun and Penderyn:

  • Flower baskets, planters and trees for both villages
  • Christmas lighting for both villages
  • Easter Eggs for the nursery classes at Hirwaun Primary and Penderyn Primary Schools
  • The Annual Garden Show held at Hirwaun Village Hall
  • Bus shelters in both villages
  • Christmas Painting competition for children
  • Hirwaun & Penderyn in Bloom competition