Garden Show 2018

Published: 19 September 2018

Our annual Garden Show was recently held at Hirwaun Village Hall. We had some fantastic exhibitors on the day with many people attending to view the exhibits. Local Primary schools got involved by entering their Bug Hotels to support our Bee Friendly initiative and we had some wonderful vegetable, flower, floral art, domestic and art entries. We ended the day by presenting a plaque for Best in Show, a new award in memory of Jeff Southam a member of Hirwaun and District Garden Society who recently passed away.

medal board sunflowersflower arrangement


cabbages tomatoesroot veg

pale yellow flowers white, pink and red flowersbrownies

Framed photographs jams and preservesFramed photographs

plants pink flowerspotatoes, onions and tomatoes

onions hirwaun bug hotelpenderyn bug hotel