Butterfly Mural Competition

Published: 20 May 2020

We have been planning a project to paint a butterfly friendly mural on the public toilets in Hirwaun and plant butterfly friendly plants in the area around the toilets.

Both Hirwaun Primary School and Penderyn Primary were asked to submit entries of paintings of butterflies, caterpillars and flowers for a competition where the winning entries would be used as the inspiration of the mural.

Initially, the project was put on hold due to Covid 19 with both schools setting the competition as a home task for the children. Children who live in Hirwaun or Penderyn but go to school elsewhere can also enter the competition.

We are now making plans to go forward with the project subject to COVID-19 restrictions and social distancing guidelines and a deadline has been set for Friday 26th June 2020 for entries to be received.

Entries can be posted in the black post box outside Hirwaun Village Hall or take a photo of them and email them to office@hirwaunandpenderyncc.org.uk.

As the entries are received we'll add them to our Facebook page.