CCTV request for Hirwaun

Published: 19 March 2019

 April Update

 Please click on the link below for full information in relation to the decision made by the Community Council in relation to the CCTV request. 

CCTV for Hirwaun - Community Council Decision 

Please click on the link below for sight of the email from RCT in relation to the new legislation affecting the installation of CCTV for third parties.

RCT email re CCTV

Please click on the link below to view the crime stats provided by the PCSO.

Crime stats - PCSO


March Update

 Please click on the link below for a full breakdown and timeline in relation to the request for CCTV to be installed in Hirwaun. This covers the installation and maintenance costs of 7 CCTV cameras. 

/_UserFiles/Files/News/CCTV request for Hirwaun - Community Council update March 2019.pdf